| #tcot #teaparty #michigan #arizona #ohio #migop #azgop #ohgop #Santorum Spent Entire Debate Trying To Defend Poor Senate Choices: Poor Debate Showing-CBS News http://bit.ly/wglb3B | #tcot #gop #Santorum Spent Entire #GOP Debate Trying To Defend Poor Senate Choices: CBS News http://bit.ly/wglb3B | #tcot #migop #michigan #ohgop #ohio Democrats Praying for #Santorum Nomination - Extreme Social Baggage Will Sink Him in General http://on.wsj.com/zQPtYH | #tcot #migop #michigan #Romney new Tax Plan gets points for Realism when Compared to #Gingrich and #Santorum http://bit.ly/A7HoER | #tcot #migop #ohgop #azgop #Santorum Outrages #Dutch People Over Euthanasia Claim http://bit.ly/xjjFRc | #tcot #teaparty #gop #ohgop #migop #azgop #txgop #Santorum brings Duggar family (who also Oppose Birth Control) to #Michigan to help campaign http://bit.ly/wrMxA2 | #tcot #migop #teaparty Arlen Specter says #Santorum’s Statement about Endorsement is False http://b.globe.com/Am7IE9 | #tcot #teaparty #migop #ohgop #azgop #gop Obama superPAC helps #Santorum with Anti #Romney Ad in #Michigan http://bit.ly/zfNVcf | #tcot #teaparty #gop #migop #azgop #ohgop Study: #Gingrich, #Santorum Plans Hike Deficit Trillions | The Associated Press http://bit.ly/wCYx6D | #tcot #teaparty #gop #Santorum Focus Group with @MegynKelly : Reviews #CNNDebate http://bit.ly/zKNRDA | #tcot #teaparty #gop #Santorum Campaign Removes Web Page Defending No Child Left Behind After #CNNDebate | http://bit.ly/xh8UVL | #tcot #gop Why Rick #Santorum Would Have Killed My Daughter, By Sarah http://bit.ly/zj1xcm | #tcot #teaparty #gop #Santorum Scares Off Women Voters. Even #ProLife Ones http://wapo.st/wbYzOG | #tcot #teaparty #gop The Time #Santorum Supported A $600 Mill Stimulus & Didn't Care About The Cost http://bit.ly/xu4aNx | #tcot #teaparty #gop #Santorum Takes Credit Where it Isn't Due & Also Bashes #Reagan http://bit.ly/zloAJu | #tcot #teaparty #gop #Santorum Serves On Board of Hospital Chain Being Sued By DOJ (Part 1) huff.to/w7stFJ | #tcot #teaparty #gop At #Santorum Connected Health Care Facility, Herpes, Porn & Drug Dealing (Part 2) http://huff.to/xhsZRP| #tcot #teaparty #gop #Santorum shows how NOT to appeal to swing voters wapo.st/AySFDR | #tcot #teaparty #gop If Conservatives believe #Santorum ’s views will be popular with a majority of USA we're in deep trouble http://wapo.st/z8ErPa | #tcot #gop What #Santorum is doing is Not conservative, It’s Reactionary http://wapo.st/zBq36j | #tcot #teaparty #gop #GOP doesn't want a 'Preacher in Chief', just the Govt to Simply Leave Us Alone http://bit.ly/Axgx9i | #tcot #gop #teaparty #Santorum in #Phoenix : 'has no intention of backing away from controversial comments' http://politi.co/zxbByE : #tcot #teaparty #gop #Santorum In '95: 'I Was Basically Pro-Choice All My Life, Until I Ran For Congress' http://huff.to/zaTKoR | #tcot #gop #teaparty #Santorum Passes Through #Ohio, Says Stupid Stuff Along the Way http://bit.ly/w3pXEZ | #tcot #gop #teaparty Are There Republicans Who Think This Is a Good Idea? Seriously? |Power Line http://bit.ly/yI3o0m | #tcot #gop #teaparty Three Reasons #Santorum Will Lose Against Obama | RedState http://bit.ly/yTTCXh | #tcot #gop #teaparty #Santorum ’s Divisiveness & his Knack for causing Controversy & Chaos http://wapo.st/AySFDR | #tcot #teaparty #gop #Santorum ’s Phony Excuses & Inability to Defend his unseemly Rhetoric http://wapo.st/yPGTvv | #tcot #gop #teaparty #Santorum site has Pornography listed as the TOP ISSUE!! #GOP Wake UP! >> http://bit.ly/xUfFZR << #tcot #teaparty No #Santorum we DON'T want you in our bedroom: Ménage à Trois http://bit.ly/wrLsp0 | #tcot #gop #teaparty #Santorum tries to defend theology remark, Hitler inference & other remarks http://on.msnbc.com/zgYw4c | #tcot #gop #teaparty Unravel the Sweater - Rick #Santorum http://bit.ly/wcU6HO | #tcot #gop #teaparty #VetTheVest The problem with #Santorum | Nealz Boortz | http://bit.ly/zor5vO | #tcot #gop #teaparty Rick #Santorum Used to Cast Himself as ‘Progressive Conservative’ http://bit.ly/AnU34w | #tcot #gop #teaparty Dear #GOP : #Santorum is NOT Our Man http://bit.ly/wByxtV | #tcot #teaparty #Santorum spokesperson now downplaying expectations: #Michigan is #Romney territory http://bit.ly/zNGfeo | #tcot #gop #teaparty Trump: There's no gift..that could be given better than #Santorum to the Democrats http://bit.ly/xvWyWg | #tcot #gop #teaparty #Santorum = Hypocrite? You Criticize #Romney for Olympics but YOU Voted For It? http://cin.ci/zeQlmJ | #tcot #gop #teaparty "Made in America" #Santorum drives a German made car. #Romney drives a Ford Mustang. | #tcot #gop #teaparty Dutch OUTRAGED Over #Santorum Euthanasia Claim http://bit.ly/xjjFRc | #tcot #gop #teaparty How many times will #Santorum & Aides have to say "We misspoke" http://wapo.st/z6eDNo | #tcot #gop #teaparty #Santorum 's Inability to Govern a Diverse Society Proves Unfitness for Presidency: Yahoo! http://yhoo.it/yAvaUf | #tcot #gop #teaparty #Santorum 's Rough edges limit appeal. Only 3 support him. None worked with him in Congress http://usat.ly/xWpgXC | #tcot #gop Dr Matt Moody, PhD explains #Santorum Straw Man Arguments & Demagoguing Against RomneyCare http://bit.ly/zqqTNp | #tcot #gop #Santorum is focusing on Birth Control issues. But, Shouldn't we be Focusing on This? > http://bit.ly/xl1QWp | #tcot #gop #teaparty Comments that will lose the General Election: #Santorum challenges prenatal testing policy http://bit.ly/wogdf7 | #tcot #gop #teaparty Hardcore #Santorum pulls faith into campaign. Resorts to criticizing opponents http://wapo.st/wleiq0 #tcot #gop #teaparty "The Gang of Four" starring Rick #Santorum and Newt #Gingrich - http://bit.ly/zNVBTu | #tcot #gop #teaparty #Santorum Capitalized on his Beltway Connections @ times helping him become a Millionaire http://bit.ly/yWs7mn | #tcot #gop @MittRomney Thank you so very much. #Santorum may not care, but American's Remember: http://bit.ly/ArVicn | #tcot #gop #teaparty Flashback: Rick #Santorum Caught in Medical Malpractice Doubletalk Video - ABC News http://abcn.ws/yvdZg4 | #tcot #gop #teaparty #Santorum Targets Himself by Attacking #Romney for Olympics. Rick's Earmarks were for Special Interests: http://yhoo.it/AB8ufb | #tcot #gop Obama wants us to jump on #Santorum 's social conservative train so we don't think about > : http://bit.ly/yvASD5 | #tcot #gop Paul: #Santorum has an ‘Atrocious Voting Record’ http://bit.ly/y1lfo7 | #tcot #teaparty #gop Rick #Santorum - Gifts From God: http://youtu.be/LaPKt3c8S-w | #tcot #gop Why should we believe #Santorum would vote for Right to Work now, when he voted against it twice before? http://bit.ly/w78IXH | #tcot #gop “Whom are we kidding? We’ll get slaughtered with #Santorum as the nominee” http://wapo.st/w4H050 | #tcot #gop #Santorum Jumps The Religion Shark | Article VI Blog | John Schroeder http://bit.ly/xGCyGH | #tcot #gop These Radical Beliefs / Statements is how the #GOP will lose to Obama if #Santorum wins http://bit.ly/y3YHat | #tcot #gop #Santorum : There's income inequality in USA, there always has been & Hopefully & I do say that, there Always Will Be http://bit.ly/wEbAYx #Santorum Disgustingly Mocks #Romney Over Saving Olympic Games nyti.ms/zmkLlo | #tcot #gop Could this be why Rick #Santorum loves LABOR UNIONS? It's in his GENES? http://bit.ly/ySWkhi | #tcot #gop Flashback: #Santorum helped his friend John Ensign with damage control : CREW | http://bit.ly/x2rNl1 | #tcot #gop #Santorum's Economic Policy isn't grounded in Real-World Experience or in Conservative ideas wapo.st/zB4jOy | #tcot #gop #Santorum millions received after leaving Congress complicates his 'coal miners grandson' image wapo.st/xsqfk8 | #tcot #gop #Romney Vs. Santorum Rallies http://bit.ly/z2Sw21 | #tcot #gop #teaparty #Santorum is becoming increasingly unhinged in his public comments. This will cost us the election http://nyti.ms/yIYeBs | #tcot #gop #Santorum saying': 'Mainline Protestants Are Not Christians' is just one attack DNC will use http://bit.ly/wVpR7Y | #tcot #gop #Santorum Senator 12 yrs. Sitting Senator Endorsements 0. #Romney never in DC. 77 endorsements, incl 12 senators http://bit.ly/yHcdgx #tcot #Santorum Tax Plan's either welfare in disguise or social engineering. Conservative Tax Foundation rated D+ http://bit.ly/wzWUoG #tcot #gop #Santorum views too Radical to win the White House http://wapo.st/y30ZLC | #tcot #teaparty #gop #ohgop #azgop #migop #idgop Did DeWine switch to #Santorum for the #Romney PAC ad criticizing voting rights for felons? Dewine & only 2 other #GOP supported bill #tcot Sen. Conrad Calls #Santorum `Absolutely Unyielding' - Video - Bloomberg http://bloom.bg/zWFjFh | #tcot #gop #Santorum 's Language Could & Will Cause Trouble In White House Bid http://huff.to/yjMiJZ | #tcot #gop #Santorum millions received after leaving Congress complicates his 'coal miners grandson' image http://wapo.st/xsqfk8 | #tcot #ohgop #Santorum Electability Pitch Undermined by 18-Point Senate Loss as an Incumbent to a Democrat - http://buswk.co/yIh7Ey | #tcot #gop #Santorum reports millions in income as Washington Consultant http://wapo.st/xsqfk8 | #tcot #gop #teaparty #Santorum Charity & PAC Acted As Overlapping Piggy Banks For His Team http://huff.to/y5QWa7 | #tcot #gop #teaparty “If you want a fiscal conservative you can’t vote for Rick #Santorum cause he’s not” http://on.wsj.com/xUI9Tr | #tcot #gop Why #Romney is better poised than #Santorum to win the White House http://wapo.st/x6qql2 | #tcot #teaparty #gop Chris Wallace asks #Santorum why his Tax Plan received a D+ from the "Conservative Tax Foundation" http://bit.ly/w78IXH | #tcot #gop #Michigan Lt Gov Brian Calley supports #Romney,"We need a president who'll lead America back to prosperity" http://mi.tt/zhHIBu #gop Frmr Sen. Santorum & Lack of Senate Support - ABC News http://abcn.ws/zkQD7R : Coincidence? I think not... #tcot #gop #Arizona Con. Candidate Martha McSally, #USAF : #Santorum "He's totally out of touch" http://huff.to/yZmZ4l | #tcot #gop #veterans #Santorum who is burying his head in the sand, can’t expect to coast. He is being vetted http://wapo.st/yArvfx | #tcot #gop #teaparty #Santorum is Wealthy, but Stingy with Charitable giving http://wapo.st/yr63l3 | #tcot #teaparty #gop Leftists Launch 'Operation Chaos' Effort to Boost #Santorum & take down #Romney http://bit.ly/xUuTnQ | #tcot #gop Can we stop pretending that #Santorum is a fiscal conservative? http://bit.ly/x34ztG | #tcot #teaparty #gop Just a Small Glimpse of the #Santorum Elect-ability Problems http://bit.ly/yfzSED : #tcot #teaparty #gop PolitiFact | #Santorum attack ad 'Rombo' says @MittRomney favors cap & trade [FALSE] http://bit.ly/yLsoaO | #tcot #gop #Santorum site Touts "Made in America." Tax returns show he drove an Audi A6 | #Detroit Free Press http://on.freep.com/yFJntb | #tcot #gop #Santorum SuperPAC contributor Foster Freiss get's sarcastic reactions on Contraception & Bayer Aspirin Statement http://huff.to/xXtvKy #tcot Unraveling the Sweater: More #Santorum Fiscal Mismanagement http://bit.ly/AeDhgK | #tcot #gop Silent #Santorum Caskets: Body Armor Disaster http://youtu.be/VYeeNNDY684 | #tcot #gop #army #navy #airforce #marines #veterans Incumbent Sen. #Santorum 's Landslide Loss in #Pennsylvania to a Democrat (2006 article): http://nyti.ms/wGYn9e | #tcot #gop #Teaparty: The Truth About Rick Santorum: Will so-called Conservatives ever get it?! http://bit.ly/x7dyq4 | #tcot #gop #Santorum : Contraception is "harmful to women" & "harmful to society." http://politi.co/w2q1la | #tcot #teaparty #gop #Santorum’s Senate Loss was the Largest Defeat by an incumbent #GOP in modern #Pennsylvania History http://bloom.bg/AB4C8a | #tcot #gop #Santorum's stone-age view of women | You think Democrats that WANTED to vote #GOP will now? http://bit.ly/xTchfi | #tcot #gop #Santorum’s Senate Loss was the Largest Defeat by an incumbent #GOP in modern #Pennsylvania History http://bloom.bg/AB4C8a | #tcot Letter From a #Veteran About Rick #Santorum - http://bit.ly/wSVR9n | #tcot #gop #Santorum voted against giving our #troops the right Body Armor to fight the war in Iraq: http://bit.ly/yP9Upy | #tcot #gop Elderly #Veterans Get Screwed By #Santorum http://bit.ly/w7YnN9 | #tcot #gop #Santorum #Abortion Flip-Flop: While Running In Blue Dist, said opposed in last 3 mths only http://bit.ly/zTsxy3 | #tcot #Santorum's Economic Policy isn't grounded in Real-World Experience or in Conservative ideas wapo.st/zB4jOy | #tcot #gop #Santorum's problem with 'homes', kids schools & the finances problem: bit.ly/zThDGj | #tcot #gop Rick #Santorum's Medical Malpractice Lawsuit http://abcn.ws/wygwkZ | #tcot #gop #Santorum Haunted by his Support of Pro-abortion Specter | Nexmax : bit.ly/AhNk67 | #tcot #gop #Santorum called himself a "Progressive conservative " 1990."Tried not to take an issue on Abortion" bit.ly/zTsxy3 | #tcot #gop CAP asked why #Santorum's charity hired lobbyists: “Santorum is obviously a man with many pockets” http://bit.ly/yNTTBh | #tcot #gop #Santorum "Double Speak" http://nyti.ms/xmh6Xx | #tcot #gop #Santorum Is A Conservative By Reputation, But Not By Deed http://bit.ly/zXKQPk | #tcot #gop #Santorum: Dead Last in Delegates (Shorter: Reality Sucks for Rick) http://bit.ly/zrwgF3 | #tcot #gop #Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell hits #Santorum over ‘emotions’ remarks – CNN http://bit.ly/w5GzbK | #tcot #gop Maybe a little more insight as to why #Santorum won Missouri? | Dems Mobilize in Missouri for Santorum http://bit.ly/x2DnLw | #tcot #gop ‘Outsider’ #Santorum collected Millions in Corp PAC $$ | Center for Public Integrity http://bit.ly/wJCgO3 | #tcot #gop Report: Santorum contributors won earmarks - UPI.com http://bit.ly/yEDNJ9 | #tcot #gop National Review concludes that #Santorum will take Republican party down to defeat. http://exm.nr/xcTrLJ | #tcot #gop #Santorum & #Gingrich : Cut from the same mold: 'Stealth Lobbyist': ABC News http://abcn.ws/wm8Xbz | #tcot #gop #Santorum Pennsylvania Residency Issue and School Tuition Fraud http://bit.ly/x36nAC | #tcot #gop #Santorum 'touted his liberal record' when running his last (failed) Senate run | #tcot #gop #Santorum follows the path of #Gingrich. Suffers with an advanced form of SOUR GRAPES http://bit.ly/x4kiAw | #tcot #gop #Santorum : Getting a bit Desperate? Lying isn't a #Christian thing to do, but you've Mastered it http://bo.st/x24yMb | #tcot #gop [Fact Check: TRUE] : #Santorum Voted for the Bridge to Nowhere | Club for Growth | http://bit.ly/yeT7CD | #tcot #gop [Fact Check:TRUE]: #Santorum :A Prolific Supporter of Pork-Barrel Earmarks |Club for Growth| http://bit.ly/yeT7CD | #tcot #Santorum voted *Against* Eliminating Funding for National Endowment for the Arts http://1.usa.gov/x9bNnO | #tcot #gop #Santorum Voted *FOR* giving Social Security Benefits to illegals http://1.usa.gov/wEtTKv | #tcot #gop #Santorum Voted *FOR* allowing illegals to receive the earned income credit before citizenship 1.usa.gov/wJjc8B | #tcot #gop #Santorum voted *Against* increasing the number of immigration investigators 1.usa.gov/xT2qrK | #tcot #gop #Santorum voted *Against* hiring 1,000 border partrol agents, paid for by Reductions in state grants 1.usa.gov/xR072a | #tcot #gop #Santorum Voted *FOR* Congressional Pay Raises Twice 1.usa.gov/xMzaNw & 1.usa.gov/yajrts | #tcot #gop #Santorum Voted *FOR* Allowing All Convited Felons to Vote after release 1.usa.gov/zwyqfA | #tcot #gop #Santorum voted *Against* a proposed Flat Tax 1.usa.gov/w3vuQ6 | #tcot #gop #Santorum Voted *FOR* Increasing Taxes $2.3 billion to pay for an Amtrak trust fund 1.usa.gov/Agkx6Z | #tcot #gop #Santorum Voted *FOR* Increasing taxes by $9.4 Billion to pay for increase in student loans 1.usa.gov/zPU3WY | #tcot #gop #Santorum Voted *YES* that Alternative Minimum Tax was more important capital gains cuts and dividend relief 1.usa.gov/z1UkmA | #tcot #gop #Santorum voted *Against* Food Stamp Reform 1.usa.gov/yCdJ0o | #tcot #gop #Santorum voted *Against* Medicare Reform 1.usa.gov/w0s0uz | #tcot #gop #Santorum voted *Against* Reform for Temporary assistance to needy families 1.usa.gov/wqDCYp | #tcot #gop #Santorum Voted *FOR* Increasing Social Services Block Grant from $1 billion to $2 billion 1.usa.gov/A1cWMK | #tcot #gop #Santorum Voted TWICE *FOR* Internet Taxes 1.usa.gov/xNyZJf & 1.usa.gov/xhe0cY | #tcot #gop #Santorum voted *Against* Repealing Clinton's 4.3 cent Gas Tax Increase 1.usa.gov/zU5VfF | #tcot #gop #Santorum Voted *For* Preventing pro-life demonstrators debts being dischargeable in bankruptcy http://1.usa.gov/w63mqO | #tcot #gop #Santorum Voted *For* the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) http://1.usa.gov/wVfq10 | #tcot #gop #Santorum Voted *Against* requiring President to Certify that the CWC is effectively verifiable 1.usa.gov/xnzpYv | #tcot #gop #Santorum Voted *For* Banning US Troops to use antipersonnel landmines http://1.usa.gov/AqVK89 | #tcot #gop #Santorum Voted *Against* increasing Defense spending offset by equivalent Cuts in non-Defense spending 1.usa.gov/A8GnH8 | #tcot #gop #Santorum Voted *For* allowing Federal bureaucrats to get the same pay raises as uniformed Military 1.usa.gov/AEZILi | #tcot #gop #Santorum voted to limit President’s authority to impose sanctions on nations for reasons of national security.. 1.usa.gov/yzazjn | #tcot #gop #Santorum voted *For* giving $25 million in foreign aid to North Korea http://1.usa.gov/xpsQdR | #tcot #gop #Santorum voted *For* weakening the Alien Terrorist Deportation Provisions http://1.usa.gov/w5JzZ2 | #tcot #gop #Santorum Voted *Against* delaying India Nuclear without certification >... 1.usa.gov/zPvvko | #tcot #gop #Santorum Voted *FOR* appointing Richard Paez to the 9th Circuit (pro same sex, pro illgel immigrant) 1.usa.gov/z2VCV4 | #tcot #gop #Santorum Voted *FOR* appointing Sonia Sotomayor 2nd Circuit 1.usa.gov/z7gY8R | #tcot #gop #Santorum Voted *FOR* appointing Richard Holbrooke UN Ambassador http://1.usa.gov/zLrWOX | #tcot #gop #Santorum Voted *Against* Repealing provisions Requiring Employees to pay Union Dues 1.usa.gov/xGFeUg | #tcot #gop #Santorum Voted *Against* Repealing of Davis-Bacon Prevailing Union Wages 1.usa.gov/xGFeUg | #tcot #gop #Santorum Voted *Against* allowing a waiver of Davis-Bacon in emergency situations 1.usa.gov/yIY3qq | #tcot #gop #Santorum Voted *FOR* Mandatory Federal Child Care Funding http://1.usa.gov/zQFgRI | #tcot #gop #Santorum Voted *FOR* Trade Adjustment Assistance 1.usa.gov/zwY9O2 | #tcot #gop #Santorum Voted *FOR* Jobs Corp Funding 1.usa.gov/yyIWtV | #tcot #gop #Santorum Voted TWICE *FOR* Fedex Unionization 1.usa.gov/zR3LVW & 1.usa.gov/wHFfjb | #tcot #gop #Santorum Voted *FOR* Requiring a union representative on an IRS oversight board 1.usa.gov/zmAkRL | #tcot #gop #Santorum Voted *AGAINST* creating an independent Board of Governors to investigate IRS Abuses 1.usa.gov/ACaaML | #tcot #gop #Santorum Voted Twice *Against* 'Right to Work': Didn't want to change the law in his state http://wapo.st/yyrMDI | #tcot #gop #Santorum voted NO on ethanol subsidies Entire Career but told Iowa voters he's for them http://bit.ly/x8zdVA | #tcot #gop #Santorum thinks Women Shouldn't Work. His book Urges moms to stay home http://bit.ly/yVF698 | #tcot #gop #Santorum may oppose Abortion, but he Campaigned for Candidates that support it http://youtu.be/gcg4TyyP5KU | #tcot #gop Rick #Santorum Defends SOPA - YouTube http://bit.ly/zZxDIR | #tcot #gop #Santorum Tort Reform Hypocrisy Exposed: http://youtu.be/0G-JUuMDGlo | #tcot #gop #Illinois Medical Malpractice Blog: #Santorum Exemplifies Hypocrisy of Tort Reform Advocates http://bit.ly/yTp8Mi | #tcot #gop Rick Santorum #2010 http://youtu.be/gcg4TyyP5KU | #tcot #gop Rick #Santorum: Habitual endorser of flip-flopping liberals - YouTube http://bit.ly/ygcfe6 | #tcot Rick #Santorum’s Negatives Part 22: Arlen Specter | The Liberty Blog http://bit.ly/xIopnC | #tcot #gop Rick #Santorum: Do you Really Know him? A Record of Betrayal: http://bit.ly/zhSTEP | #tcot #gop #Santorum to CNN: “I’m Proud of My Earmarks” (Video) bit.ly/wd5Me5 | #tcot #gop For #Santorum “Playing both Sides” is his Winning Strategy. http://bit.ly/Ae3ETV | #tcot #gop #Santorum Wiped From Ballot In Some Ohio Districts http://politi.co/w18V6B | Incomplete slate will hurt | #tcot #gop #Santorum Fail's to qualify delegates on #Tennessee Ballot http://bit.ly/wdehJP | #tcot #gop #Pawlenty Points out #Santorum's Big Gov't Spending Record http://bloom.bg/A7Rrkd | #tcot #gop #Romney is the Candidate who will Stand Up for the Conservative Principles that we Hold Dear, #Santorum 2008 http://bit.ly/zFRoPA #tcot #Santorum "Pro-Labor" Votes, "Earmarks" Ripe for Attacks ~ NewsMax http://tinyurl.com/6tr7dgm | #tcot #gop #Santorum voted to Ban private sales at #Gun shows http://bit.ly/ywxJiY | #tcot #NRA #GOA Pawlenty: #Santorum's not the "perfect" conservative he claims to be - CBS News http://bit.ly/zox8Rs | #tcot #gop Rick #Santorum Flip-Flops on Social Security: http://youtu.be/cZX6XCT3Z8E | #tcot #gop #Santorum the 'frugal' Millionaire? (Might be why we haven't seen his taxes): http://bloom.bg/x9gZn6 | #tcot #gop #Santorum : What a conservative with love for Big Government looks like | http://bit.ly/wUos7v | #tcot #gop #Santorum whines about #Romney 's factually correct ad after he released his nonfactual ad about #Romney http://bit.ly/xuwjXE | #tcot #gop #Santorum the 'Good Son'? Not So Much.... http://bit.ly/yAr7My | #tcot #gop #Santorum: "I'm VERY Proud of My Earmarks...I'll Defend Earmarks" | "Flip-Flop" http://bit.ly/yLxx2S | #tcot #gop Rick #Santorum and the K Street Project (Fact Checker biography): http://wapo.st/xB0dN4 | #tcot #gop #Gingrich & #Santorum Seem to Have no Problems Lieing About #Romney. Mitt VETOED the Contraception Bill http://bo.st/y0guvW #tcot #gop The Rick #Santorum that America doesn't know http://bit.ly/xNKrsS | #tcot #gop How Rick #Santorum Ripped Off American #Veterans: http://bit.ly/w5m0gJ | #tcot #gop As Rick #Santorum Secured Earmarks, 2006 Donations Flowed In - http://nyti.ms/yA7EEA | #tcot #gop #Santorum’s Earmark Record Sheds Light on His Prowess as a Washington Insider http://nyti.ms/yA7EEA | #tcot #gop Rick Santorum's "Real Concerns" About The #TeaParty: http://youtu.be/vLQnoVpkyqc #tcot #gop #Santorum Can't Beat The Internet - Forbes http://onforb.es/wpuDHg | #tcot #gop Rick Santorum's top 10 problems | http://politi.co/yDcJgy | #tcot #gop Rick #Santorum In 2008: " #Romney Is A "True Conservative - It's in his heart" http://bit.ly/ynS9B0 | #tcot #gop #Santorum: "Washington's Being Managed Just Fine" http://mi.tt/xdHqcf | #tcot #gop Rick #Santorum has a Record of "More Spending, More Earmarks & Raising of the Debt Ceiling" http://youtu.be/b036q3Eq22k | #tcot #gop A Look At Rick #Santorum’s Past. He’s Finished With Conservatives http://damagereport.com/?p=1619 | #tcot #gop Rick #Santorum Campaigns for Mitt #Romney in 2008 - YouTube http://bit.ly/xAVuMJ | #tcot #gop A Question for #Santorum : Are these "Good Earmarks" or "Bad Earmarks"? http://mi.tt/zXCkAA | #tcot #gop #Santorum Against Earmarks for Democrats, but They're OK for Him: http://youtu.be/xfYBJf6oFnk | #tcot #gop [Fact Check:FALSE] #Santorum calls Massachusetts health law top-down & government-run http://bit.ly/zx3m76 | #tcot #gop #Gingrich & #Santorum Lie About #Romney. Mitt VETOED the Contraception Bill http://bo.st/y0guvW | #tcot #gop Rick #Santorum makes CREW’s list of Most Corrupt Members of Congress: http://bit.ly/wieKiV | #tcot #gop #Santorum 2006 Top Lobbyist Recipient - OpenSecrets - http://bit.ly/wNCHp7 | #tcot #gop #Santorum : CREW | Citizens for Responsibility & Ethics in Washington has questions for you: http://bit.ly/zhgwm0 | #tcot #gop Club For Growth Agrees: Rick #Santorum Is Big Government Conservative http://bit.ly/w4KODM | #tcot #gop #Santorum has Problems with "Women in Combat" & thinks Women shouldn't Work? http://wapo.st/xthLaa | #tcot #gop #Army #Navy #Military #Santorum Ineligible for #GOP Delegates in 3 #Ohio Districts - 88 Counties: Failed to File for Them http://bit.ly/wLdm5Q | #tcot #gop Sarah #Palin calls #Santorum a ‘Knuckle- Dragging Neanderathal’: http://bit.ly/zjQQBF | #tcot #gop #Santorum voted *FOR* Govt Subsidies to Planned Parenthood via Title X http://bit.ly/yR9jiy | #tcot #gop Rick Perry Called #Santorum an Earmark Addict - Fox News http://bit.ly/AlN6hM | #tcot #teaparty #gop #Santorum 's D.C. Career Promoted Big Government & Record Massive Spending http://bit.ly/wzi14H | #tcot #gop Whoa! #Santorum 2006 Mailer to Indepedent voters showing himself as a moderate #tcot http://fb.me/1tpfYJIgi | #tcot #gop Which Republican Presidential Candidate Supported Sotomayor? - ABC News | Give Up? > http://abcn.ws/xvGrnh | #tcot #gop Sarah Palin says Santorum not 'a threat' to #Romney - Washington Times http://bit.ly/w9ibqR | #tcot #gop #teaparty Rick #Santorum Sold His Soul http://bit.ly/AoU8eV | #tcot #teaparty #gop